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Monday, November 4

Lemon tart

Pâté suerée
Flour, all purpose
1 ¾ cups +
Butter, diced, softened
8 tablespoons +
1 ½ tablespoons
Sugar, confectioners’
1 cup
Salt, fine sea
Lemons, zest and juice
9 +
1 yolk
Sugar, superfine
2 scant cups
Cream, heavy, chilled
1 ¼ cups
½ teaspoon
Sugar, brown
2 tablespoons
Pâté suerée
  1. On preferably a marble surface, make a well with the flour, and then add the 8 tablespoons butter, sugar, and salt. 
  2. Using your fingertips, mix all the ingredients in the well, and then add the eggs, and gradually draw in the flour, little at a time, and mix well. 
  3. Knead the dough two to three times with the heel of your hand to make it completely smooth. 
  4. Wrap in plastic wrap, and rest in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours before using. 
  5. Grease a 9-by-1-inch tart pan with 1 ½ tablespoons butter, and place on a baking sheet in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. 
  6. Preheat the oven to 400°F. 
  1. Combine the zest and juice in a bowl. 
  2. Lightly whisk the eggs with the sugar in another bowl. 
  3. Whip the cream to a light ribbon consistency. 
  4. Mix the eggs into the lemon juice, and then fold this mixture into the cream; cover and refrigerate. 
  5. Prick the bottom of the pastry shell, line with wax paper and pie weights, and bake blind for 20 minutes. 
  6. Remove the pie weights and paper, and let cool for 1 to 2 minutes. 
  7. Beat the egg yolk together with milk, and brush the inside of the pastry shell. 
  8. Return to the oven for 5 minutes. 
  9. Reduce the oven to 300°F. 
  10. Give the filling a stir, pour into the shell, and then bake for 1 hour 20 minutes. 
  11. Cut off any excess dough from the rim. 
  12. Leave the tart on the baking sheet for 20 minutes, and then carefully remove from the tart pan. 
  13. Slide the tart onto a wire rack, and let cool for 3 to 4 hours. 
  14. Sprinkle on sugar evenly over the surface, and then brown it with a cook’s blowtorch. 
  15. Cut and serve. 
Recipe adapted from Eggs by Michel Roux.

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