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Wednesday, May 7

Blueberry ice cream with maple & cinnamon

Blueberries, fresh
2 cups
Maple syrup
¼ cup
Lemon, juiced
Cinnamon, ground
1 teaspoon
½ cup
1 cup
Cream, heavy
2 cups
  1. Place the blueberries, syrup, juice, and cinnamon into a bowl, and gently squash the fruit until the flesh of the berries is broken and the juice starts coming out. 
  2. Cover, and chill for 2 hour or overnight. 
  3. Puree with a blender. Beat in the eggs and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. 
  4. Add the milk and cream, and beat briefly. 
  5. Stir in the fruit mixture, and process in your ice cream maker according to its instructions. 
  6. Transfer to freezer-proof container, and freeze 4 hours or overnight.

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