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Monday, April 27

14-day sweet pickles

Cucumbers, pickling,
2-inches long
3 ½ quarts
Salt, coarse pickling
1 cup
Water, boiling
2 quarts
Alum, powdered
½ teaspoon
5 cups
3 cups +
1 ½ cups
Celery seeds
1 ½ teaspoons
2-inches long
4 sticks
  1. Wash the cucumbers carefully; cut in lengthwise halves, and place in a stone crock, glass, pottery or enamel-lined (unchipped) pan.
  2. Dissolve the salt in boiling water; pour over the cucumbers.
  3. Weight cucumbers down with a plate almost as large as the crock, and lay a stone or paraffined brick (not marble or limestone) on the plate to keep the cucumbers under the brine; let stand 1 week.
  4. On the 8th day, drain; pour 2 quarts fresh boiling water over the cucumbers; let stand 24 hours.
  5. On the 9th day, drain; pour 2 quarts fresh boiling water mixed with the alum powder over the cucumbers; let stand 24 hours.
  6. On the 10th day, drain; pour 2 quarts fresh boiling water over the cucumbers; let stand 24 hours.
  7. On the 11th day, drain.
  8. Combine the vinegar, 3 cups sugar, celery seeds, and cinnamon sticks in a medium saucepan; heat to boiling, and pour over the cucumbers.
  9. For the next 3 days, drain and retain the liquid, reheating it each morning, adding 1/2 cup sugar each time.
  10. After the last heating, on the 14th day, pack the pickles into hot pint jars.
  11. Remove the cinnamon sticks; pour boiling hot liquid over the pickles; adjust lids at once.
  12. Process in boiling water bath (212°F) for 5 minutes.
  13. Remove the jars from the canner, and complete the seals unless closures are the self-sealing type.
Makes 5 to 6 pints.
Recipe from Freezing & Canning Cookbook, revised edition, copyright 1973.

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